Open 7 days a week, 9:30am - 4pm

Sponsapoll is The National Parrot Sanctuary within Lincolnshire Wildlife Park’s personal sponsorship programme. The kind donations given through Sponsapoll are what keep our wonderful animal sanctuary alive and running. Donations to Sponsapoll go towards many aspects of the park including:

  • Aviary & Enclosure Development and Repairs
  • Hospital Treatment & Veterinary Care
  • Quarantine facilities for new residents to the park
  • Food for the birds and animals, including special dietary requirements
  • Essential heating and water for the animals
  • Up-keep of park facilities for our many visitors and previous parrot owners
How a donation is used

So as you can see, with a donation from as little as £1.25 per week, we can help these Parrots and animals have a fulfilling and happy lifestyle in the most natural environment available to us. It is only with these kind donations that we have been able to offer these incredible facilities & create a sanctuary which has flourished to be the largest of its kind in the UK.

Donations are used to directly help all of the animals within our care, to ensure they have the most fulfilling life possble.

What's included

When you sign up you will receive:

  • A Lincolnshire Wildlife Park Season Ticket for free entry to the park, for as long as you decide to donate
  • Quarterly newsletters with updates, vouchers & information about what’s happening at the Park
  • A welcome pack for you to keep your documents & season ticket safe
  • 15% off animal experiences and adoption packs
  • A Christmas card with our animals on.

If you would like to become a part of Sponsapoll & help the birds and animals at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, simply download the form by clicking below and scanning or posting it to us or email us here for a form… don’t forget to also GiftAid your donations if you’re a UK tax payer; this enables us to claim an extra 25% without it costing you a penny!

Help us Help the Animals for free when you GiftAid your entrance!

If you are a tax payer, we are able to claim back 25p for every £1.00 of your entrance fee without it costing you a penny extra! Just choose the GiftAid admissions when booking and you really will be helping the amazing birds and animals at our park. Plus, if you visit us again within a year you receive a discount each time, on presentation of your GiftAid receipt.

Please Note: To become a member of our sponsorship programme you must be 16 years or over. There is no limit to the amount of time you wish to sponsor a bird or animal at the park, however if you wish to cancel your sponsorship please call our office administrator on 01754 820107 or emailing [email protected] so that we can update our records. A minimum payment of £5.00 per month is advised and if you are a tax payer, your donations can be GiftAided enabling us to receive 25p tax back from every £1.00 given in your monthly donations. If your personal details change for any reason e.g. address, surname; we ask that you make us aware at your earliest convenience to update your records.